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1. LCPAA has been found and will start one we have the funding; 

2. LCCA has been found and will start once we have the funding.

3. The Treatment Direct has been found and will start once we have the funding.

4. 20+ staff will be hired upon starting the program.


PROJECT 3: TX DFPS Licensing



  1. to be submitted when we have funding

  2. Application form 2960 - DONE

  3. Floor plan incomplete

  4. Criminal Background checks & Central Registry Check form 2971

  5. Controlling Person Form, Form 2970 - DONE

  6. LCPAA/LCPAA/Treatment Director  

  7. Liability Insurance Form 2962 (in progress) 

  8. Policies & Procedures as indicated on form 2785 - DONE

Brick house

PROJECT 4: 2023 House for program


  1. obtain additional funding

  2. realtor obtained 3/2020

  3. negotiate deal

  4. add internal sprinklers (required by Fire Department) - John white & Assoc

  5. add fire/security system (required by Fire Department)

  6. add surveillance cameras (advised by state)


Should be at least 5 bedrooms, 2 bath with parking... bedrooms @ 60 sq ft per youth for 13-16 youth

PROJECT 5: Completed


  1. logo designed & paid for

  2. 501c3 obtained

  3. state business license obtained

  4. policies written

  5. program approved

  6. forms approved

  7. Executive Director hired, started 4/15

  8. LCPAA hired, start date 4/15

  9. LCCA Case Manager hired, started 4/15

  10. Sponsorship levels set up

  11. Budget approved

Researching and Writing

PROJECT 6: Outdoor Program


  1. propane stove

  2. twin air mattresses

  3. portable tables

  4. telescope

  5. canopy

  6. fishing poles

  7. More tackle with bobbers




Dollar Bill in Jar

PROJECT 1: Funding



  1. fund raise more funds

  2. complete grant writing to foundations (ongoing process as of 8/2022)

  3. E.D. refinanced house. Funds deposited into Program account

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