Youth Empowerment Integration Program!
Integrity ~ Accountability ~ Empowerment ~ Responsibility.
Changing the future together!
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- Child Placing Agency
We were unable to get our group home going as our home is not large enough for the minimum number of beds required which is 7. Instead, we decided to pursue becoming a Child Placing Agency. This will allow us to save money and have an income. We are in the process of being licensed. We will be recruiting and training foster parents to care for foster children in their home.
- So Close
We are so close to operating and very exciting things are happening. Volunteers are getting the house ready. Administrative staff are finalizing the policies, procedures, and programs for our youth. Staff have been trained. And we anticipate putting our application in to provide services within the next couple of weeks.
- 4/16 Outdoor Program
We had a great turn out at our last event at Pedernales State Park. Kids had a blast with a long hike, picnic, bird watching, and getting to spend time with the Ranger. Looking forward to our next event on 5/27 at Ink's Lake.
- Ready, Set, Go
Yay! we were able to have staff start on 4/15/22. We hope to have youth onsite by July 2022.
- 2/22/2022
We are working to refinance the house so that we can complete a few projects required to allow foster care youth in the house such as updating the wiring. Once complete, we will install the fire suppression system and other necessaries required for inspection. We will complete the foster care application. We are currently interviewing for the Licensed position and have the staff schedule set up. We will run the program with 3 administrative staff covering the hands-on roles due to budget. Programming and the daily schedule will be the same as if we had 10 youth, even though we will start with three youth. This will give us an income which has been our biggest struggle and the primary reason why we haven't been able to obtain a lease. We can save up and eventually move to a bigger location. We will continue to apply for grants and hope that as time gets closer we will qualify for the capital grants that will help us move into a large home in 2023. We need ongoing donors and funding sources, so if you know anyone who might be interested or want me to do a presentation, call Annette at 210-452-6189. #fostercare #donations #donor #socialservices #volunteer #TX #SanAntonio #youthempowerment #YouthEmpowerment #YEIP 4/10/2022 Administrative staff start work 4/15/2022. Our first Outdoor Program event is being held in partnership with Sonna's church-homeschool group at Pedernales Falls State Park on 4/16/22. We are very excited about the Partnership.